

Sass styles are in folder template_src/src/assets/sass/widgets/_form.sass .

Js source are in template_src/src/js/module/gmap .


  • <div class="map map--properties"> - map on property details page

  • <div class="map map--index"> - map on page

  • <div class="map map--contacts"> - map on contacts

  • <div class="map map--submit"> - map on submit page



Initialize map on index page

 * Initialize map on index page
function initIndexMap() {
    // Array with sample properties, used to display markers on the map
    var properties = window.demodata;
    // Default map zoom
    var zoom = 10;
    // We're using here sample coordinates, please replace them with real ones
    var coordinates = new google.maps.LatLng(33.74229160384012, -117.86845207214355);
    // jQuery object with map container
    var $mapCanvas = $('.js-map-index-canvas');
    // Temporary array for storing markers for clustering
    var markers = [];

     * This is a wrapper around original Google Maps object,
     * which brings some user experience improvements for mobile users,
     * So that, when user loads the map on small-screen device, it
     * is replaced by a button, clicking on it will open full screen
     * popup with the map in it.
     * If you don't want/need that, you can call `google.maps.Map` contructor directly
     * See
     * for more examples and options
        // Map container

         * See more options
            zoom: zoom,
            center: coordinates,
            // Disable scrolling wheel for usability purposes
            scrollwheel: false,
            zoomControl: true,
            zoomControlOptions: {
                position: google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_CENTER
            scaleControl: true,
            scaleControlOptions: {
                position: google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_TOP
            panControl: true,
            panControlOptions: {
                position: google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_TOP

        // A button, clicking on which will display the map in a fullscreen popup on small screens

         * This callback is executed when the Google Map is loaded
         * As first agrument it receives the google map object
         * Please place here all the code that needs the google map object
        function (map) {
            markers = [];
            // Loop over demo properties to create markers over map
            _.each(properties, function (item) {
                var infoboxHtml = generateMarkerHTML(item);

                 * app.createInfoboxMarker is a helper which contains:
                 * - preconfigured Marker object (see docs
                 * - preconfigured Infobox object (see docs
                 * to make sure they work and look good with our theme.
                 * If you want something more sophisticated, please use these libraries directly
                var marker = app.createGmapInfoboxMarker(
                    new google.maps.LatLng(, item.lng),
                    // You can pass directly the 'white' or 'dark' value or get it some other way
                // Save the created marker for later use for clustering

             * Wrapper object for MarkerClustererPlus library preconfigured to work with our theme
             * See
             * for examples
             * You can use it directly instead of wrapper if you want to customizer its options
             * Remove this if you don't want to cluster properties.
            app.createGmapClustering(map, markers);

Initialize map on preperty details page

function initPropertyMapAndPanorama() {
    // Getting first sample property to display marker for it
    var property = window.demodata[3];
    // We're using here sample coordinates, please replace them with real ones
    var coordinates = new google.maps.LatLng(, property.lng);
    // Default map zoom
    var zoom = 10;
    // jQuery object with map container
    var $mapCanvas = $('.js-map-canvas[data-type="map"]');
    var $panoramaCanvas = $('.js-map-canvas[data-type="panorama"]');

    var $mapBtn = $('.js-map-btn');
    var $panoramaBtn = $('.js-panorama-btn');
    var active;

     * This is a wrapper around original Google Maps object,
     * which brings some user experience improvements for mobile users,
     * So that, when user loads the map on small-screen device, it
     * is replaced by a button, clicking on it will open full screen
     * popup with the map in it.
     * If you don't want/need that, you can call `google.maps.Map` contructor directly
     * See
     * for more examples and options
        // Map container

         * See more options
            zoom: zoom,
            center: coordinates,
            // Disable scrolling wheel for usability purposes
            scrollwheel: false,
            zoomControl: true,
            zoomControlOptions: {
                position: google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_CENTER
            scaleControl: true,
            scaleControlOptions: {
                position: google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_TOP
            panControl: true,
            panControlOptions: {
                position: google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_TOP

        // A button, clicking on which will display the map in a fullscreen popup on small screens

         * This callback is executed when the Google Map is loaded
         * As first agrument it receives the google map object
         * Please place here all the code that needs the google map object
        function (map) {
            var infoboxHtml = generateMarkerHTML(property);

             * app.createInfoboxMarker is a helper which contains:
             * - preconfigured Marker object (see docs
             * - preconfigured Infobox object (see docs
             * to make sure they work and look good with our theme.
             * If you want something more sophisticated, please use these libraries directly
                // You can pass directly the 'white' or 'dark' value or get it some other way
            // Save the created marker for later use for clustering

     * This is a wrapper around original Google Maps Panorama object,
     * which brings some user experience improvements for mobile users,
     * So that, when user loads the panorama on small-screen device, it
     * is replaced by a button, clicking on it will open full screen
     * popup with the panorama in it.
     * If you don't want/need that, you can call `google.maps.StreetViewPanorama` contructor directly
     * See
     * for more examples and options
        // Map container

         * See more options
            position: coordinates,
            pov: {
                heading: 34,
                pitch: 10
            zoomControl: true,
            zoomControlOptions: {
                position: google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_CENTER
            panControl: true,
            panControlOptions: {
                position: google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_TOP

        // A button, clicking on which will display the map in a fullscreen popup on small screens

    if (app.gridSize !== 'xs') {
        active = $mapBtn.add($panoramaBtn).filter('.active');
        $mapBtn.on('click', function () {
            $panoramaCanvas.css({zIndex: 5});
            $mapCanvas.css({zIndex: 10});
        $panoramaBtn.on('click', function () {
            $panoramaCanvas.css({zIndex: 10});
            $mapCanvas.css({zIndex: 5});

        function toggleActive(newActive) {
            if (active) {
            active = $(newActive);
    } else {

Initialize Leaflet map

 * As an alternative to Google Maps, you can use Leaflet
 * which uses data from OSM and tiles from MapBox
function initLeafletMap() {
    // Array with sample properties, used to display markers on the map
    var properties = window.demodata;
    // Default map zoom
    var zoom = 10;
    // We're using here sample coordinates, please replace them with real ones
    var coordinates = new L.LatLng(33.74229160384012, -117.86845207214355);
    // jQuery object with map container
    var $mapCanvas = $('.js-map-canvas');

     * This is a wrapper around original Leftlet map object,
     * which brings some user experience improvements for mobile users,
     * If you don't want/need that, you can call `` contructor directly
     * See
     * for more examples and options
        // Map container
        /* Leaftlet map options
            zoom: zoom,
            center: coordinates,
            zoomControl: false,
            // Disable scrolling wheel for usability purposes
            scrollWheelZoom: false

        // A button, clicking on which will display the map in a fullscreen popup on small screens

         * This callback is executed when the Leftlet is loaded
         * As first agrument it receives the Leftlet object
         * Please place here all the code that needs the Leftlet object
        function (map) {

            // Loop over demo properties to create markers over map
            _.each(properties, function (item) {
                var infoboxHtml = generateMarkerHTML(item);

                 * app.createLeafletInfoboxMarker is a helper which contains:
                 * - preconfigured Marker object (see docs
                 * - preconfigured Popup object (see docs
                 * to make sure they work and look good with our theme.
                 * If you want something more sophisticated, please use these objects directly
                    new L.LatLng(, item.lng),
                    // You can pass directly the 'white' or 'dark' value or get it some other way

Html content for infoboxes

// Simple helper for generating html content for infoboxes
function generateMarkerHTML(data) {
    return "<span class='map__address'>" + data.address +
        "</span> <span class='map__info'>" +
        "<img  class='map__photo' src='assets/media-demo/properties/277x180/" + data.image +
        ".jpg'/><span class='map__details'> " +
        "<dl><dt>Type:</dt> <dd>" + data.type + "</dd></dl>" +
        "<dl><dt>Area:</dt> <dd>" + data.area + " m2</dd></dl>" +
        "<dl><dt>Bedrooms:</dt> <dd>" + data.bedrooms + "</dd></dl>" +
        "</span></span> <span class='map__price'><strong>$" + data.price +
        "</strong></span> <a  class='map__more' href='property_details.html'>Details</a>";


Map on index page

<div class="map map--index">
  <div class="map__buttons">
    <button class="map__change-map js-map-btn active">Property Map</button>
  <div class="map__wrap">
    <div style="" data-infobox-theme="white" class="map__view js-map-index-canvas"></div>
  <div class="container">
    <!-- BEGIN SEARCH-->
    <div class="search js-search-form search--map-sidebar">
      <button type="button" class="search__show"></button>

Map on property details page

<div class="map map--properties">
  <div class="map__buttons">
    <button class="map__change-map js-map-btn active">Property Map</button>
    <button class="map__change-panorama js-panorama-btn">Street view</button>
  <div class="map__wrap">
    <div style="" data-type="map" class="map__view js-map-canvas"></div>
    <div style="" data-type="panorama" class="map__view map__view--panorama js-map-canvas"></div>